Working with Angelic Energy continues to evoke in me a sense of humility, awe and wonder at the universe. For my crystal healing work, I invoke the angels for healing sessions. It is truly amazing to feel their vibration, which is high and clean and absolutely pure. While I do not channel Angels, I do feel them with me, and feel their Divine work in all that I do. I have had angelic communications directly through dream work, the subject of my last newsletter and the upcoming one too. Doreen Virtue is probably the foremost angel communicator and healer in the world, and her books are widely accessible. My friend Rita Strough suggested the book Angelspeake, which was effectively for me too in automatic writing. Those who have gotten a pdf reading from me have experienced some of this automatic writing, and it amazes me still to read what comes out of me.
A channeled painting of Archangel Azrael, the angel of grief. Copyright, Angie Yingst 2011
This week instead of focusing on one crystal, I thought I would talk about some crystals you can work with to assist in angel communication. These crystals I have used for my angelic work in different areas of my life. As some of you know, I began really opening up to channel while doing artwork. My journey after my daughter died led me immediately into art, writing and painting. At the time, I began practicing tonglen meditation, a type of meditation for compassion and suffering. After asking to take on the suffering of another, I began to paint. What I painted were these little bodhisattvas, or those who achieved enlightenment, but return to help mankind. These little jizos, as they are called, are the bodhisattvas for grieving women. I painted them and painted them and painted them. It has been five years since I began painting jizos, and I have come to understand that in meditation, I began channeling these paintings, and paintings of angels. I have even painted a picture of the Ascended Master who works with me on this tonglen work (Lord Lanto, if you really want to know.) I now go into meditation to do this work, painting ascended masters and angels, aware of what I am doing, and I do use crystals when I am specifically channeling paintings. Some of my work is on this website, as it opened me up to do my psychic readings and understand my gift more. And that is it--whatever aspect you chose to connect with--meditation, painting, channeling, readings, healing work, or dream work, it opens up your channel for other work too. The more you call the Angels in, I have noticed, the more they come even when you don't call them in.
So, what does it mean to use crystals for angel work, or any spiritual work?
For me, I just find a plethora of ways to use crystals, so try not to get overwhelmed. For angel work in particular, I use one or more of these crystals in this way:
1. In meditation. I will hold the crystal in my non-dominant hand. Sit in a comfortable position (or lie if I am so inclined.) I place my dominant hand either over my non-dominant, or over my heart. I then call the angels in for healing. When I call the angels in, I say their name in threes, so I might say, "Archangel Michael. Archangel Michael. Archangel Michael." Each Archangel has a specific role, and you can ask Michael for example to come in for protection, or to cleanse your aura, or to help cut unhealthy cords of attachment, as he is the Guardian Archangel. Or you might just feel Michael more, even if you are needing work for healing of a stomach issue (even though by the books Raphael would be the one to call in for physical and emotional healing.)
Another method is to hold the stone, or if you are lying still in meditation, placing the stone on your third eye. I actually do this when I am "feeling" a stone in a metaphysical shop for channeling or psychic work.
2. Sleeping with the stone for angelic dream work. I have often used guided meditations before bed to call in the angels to work with me in the middle of the night. You can also just place the stone in your pillow case, under your pillow, next to your bed, or wear in while you sleep.
These Angelite and Black Tourmaline earrings are wonderful tools for day long angelic communication, or when you just want to feel connected to your angels throughout the day.
3. Wearing the stone to use all day. This is by far the coolest and easiest way to use. Not only do you have some gorgeous jewelry on, you also get messages throughout the day. So, call in the angels in the morning. You can call them all in together--Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael, Jophiel, Ariel, or anyone you feel most connected. and ask for messages all day. This is a great method if you are open to synchronicity and "coincidences" or rather God Moments. Pay attention to numbers, feathers, pennies, license plates, songs...anything. Just be open!
If you are working with a stone, I suggest only wearing that one stone. I often see people with four or more stones on them in earrings, rings, bracelets. That is totally fine to do, by the way. But if you are focusing on working with one stone, why not just focus on that stone? Then you can feel its energy and really focus on what the messages are for you from this stone. So, take everything else off, and really just feel the stone. Hold it, wear it, and then buy another piece to pocket. And allow God and the Angels to speak through everyone and everything in that one day. Keep a notebook on you and just let it all come.
4. Bathe with your stones. This is not effective for every stone. Certainly any stone with a Moh's hardness of 5 or smaller cannot go in water effectively, but other than that, throw them in. Amethyst is a great channeling stone and a hearty bath stone. You can put on some candles, angelic music, and meditate in the water. It is a natural opener of your chakras and messages or rather Divine Inspiration often comes in the bath or shower, no?
5. Place them in your space. I always put a little bowl of stones next to my workspace when I am writing, and if I am in a painting session, I often put Angelite right next to my painting space.
6. Create a grid in the area near your meditation spot, or around your meditation seat. Using clear quartz with stones good for angel communication is a wonderful way to work with these stones. When you activate your grid, state your intention very clearly--to channel angelic communication, or get messages from your angels. Again, I cannot state enough how important it is to trust yourself. Angels often speak in your own voice when you are quiet enough to listen. Their messages are never pushy or demanding, then are often gentle, perhaps persistent, but not demanding.
Angels want to help us, but we simply have to ask for their help. Stones that work beautifully for angelic communication are often throat chakra stones, because listening is governed by the throat chakra. This is certainly not all the stones that work for angelic communication. Doreen Virtue associates each angel with a crystal. I have also found amazing connections with some crown chakra stones, which is what I have included here too. Some wonderful stones for angelic work are: Blue Anhydrite or Angelite, Celestite, Hemimorphite, Selenite, Seraphinite, Danburite, Apophyllite and Clear Quartz.
I'd love to hear your experience working with your angels, and any stones I have forgotten here. For more information, I really liked this article by Emily's Gems on some deeper techniques for meditation, and some other angel stone ideas.