Earth Medicine Reading + Medicine Package

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Earth Medicine Reading + Medicine Package


This package includes an oracle card reading from which I create a personalized earth medicine package with stones, herbs or plant medicine + medicine. You will receive:

  • A private personal link to your reading on Soundcloud (mp3), which has the different aspects of the reading broken down, so you can laser focus on what you want to know.

  • A physical mailed package with stones, plant medicine and animal medicine, which may include a fetish item or a painted altar painting.

  • A write up about your earth medicine

  • A photo of your layout (done within a crystal grid)

Shamanic Journey is my way into the shamanic otherworld, into the soul, into Spirit. I use journey to set the stage and pull oracle cards to inform this reading. For this earth medicine reading, I wanted to offer something my clients can work with.

This reading is an earth medicine reading of oracles cards for Animal Guide, Plant Medicine, Affirmations, Ritual and Crystal Medicine. You can ask a specific question or simply allow me to tap into your energy and see what needs the most attention. This question will be answered in its own audio and with its own reading. These readings are done via audio and put up on Sound Cloud with the option of downloading your individual, private reading. Each area of the reading will be accessible individually, so you can access it on the area covered, or listen to them all in a row. After your reading, Angie will create a medicine pouch with plant, animal and crystal medicine to hold the energy of that work for the entire year. Beyond the pouch, you may be sent artwork, tincture or balms, stones, etc. You can see examples of the packages created with a hand-painted 4”x6” watercolor of your animal guide with medicine bundle of three crystals and herbs.

For your reading, Angie will go into meditation and create sacred space through smudging and using plant medicine, cleansing the energy with drum, then pulling cards. She will create a crystal grid incorporating your cards. This will be photographed and emailed to you as a touchstone. You can print it out and place it on your altar or sacred space. She will use an elk hide as the background, unless you would like a non-animal or vegan photograph. Include that in your notes section.

In the notes section of your order, please include your email, name, birthdate with year, and your question or comment about what you are facing right now. For these earth medicine readings, I will create a sacred space, drop into journey, and then throw cards if needed. This is not a tarot card reading, but an oracle card reading. You will receive a jpg with your reading, and the link to your individual audio reading. You will be given specific rituals and ideas of working and shifting the energies that arose in your reading. Readings are sent out in the form of an audio (accessible on SoundCloud) of the reading and a pdf with a photo of your spread. Angie will mail your medicine pouch. Plus a write-up of the medicine in your reading.

If you want to give this as a gift to someone, please contact Angie at 717-770-9109 or via email at She will create a printable pdf for your friend.
