Tarot + Distance Earth Medicine Healing Session (1.5 hours)


Tarot + Distance Earth Medicine Healing Session (1.5 hours)


These distance Tarot reading and healing sessions are set up at a time when we both can be undisturbed, and you can be in a place of repose. You do not have to be live when receiving. I can record all the information and send it to you via Soundcloud, or pass the information on via phone or Zoom after our session. It is imperative we establish a mutual time that is conducive to both of us for quiet and meditation. Please email Angie at angie@themoonandstone.com or call Angie at 717-770-9109 for more information and before you have scheduled to make sure our schedules can align for this healing session.

This ninety-minute to two-hour healing session starts with a Tarot reading. I focus on your question or concern and do a deep dive reading into what energy is ready to be released or what you are ready to work on. Angie then takes the information gleaned from the reading and applies it to a deep Reiki and crystal healing session. Reiki and crystal healing session uses the Hibiscus Moon certified techniques to balance the chakras, help re-align energetic frequencies, remove emotional & energetic blocks, while allowing for soul learning, healing & spiritual growth. It is gentle and effective, assisting all areas of the body. Angie weaves in drumming, rattling, shamanic breathwork and shamanic techniques to balance the body. These sessions can be done via email or Zoom, whichever suits you. Emailed sessions, Angie will type up notes from your session and/or record herself as she is performing the healing work.

Angie starts each session with a short meditation, then checks chakras with a pendulum, lays stones, incorporates Reiki and 13th-octave LaHoChi, shamanic techniques, breathwork, drums and rattles, and other energy techniques to balance the body. Angie then removes the stones, and rechecks the chakras. If all is balanced, she will work with your intention or goal for the session. During this phase, Angie will drop into Shamanic Journey for deeper messages about you and your energy system. During this journey work, she retrieves information about what she should do to heal you, and what you can also do. Sometimes guides, angels, animal guides, spirit guides and ancestors will give insights into past life, or karmic patterns being repeated with notes on how to continue this work.

Angie will then send you a mojo bag around the energy worked with during your session to continue your healing journey.

Just an FYI that I am booking healing sessions, tarot readings and shamanic sessions 1-2 weeks out from when you order. Please keep this in mind when you are ordering. These distance sessions are recorded via Video and sent to you at a time, so you can access them at a time when you will be undisturbed. This is a great option for those who live in a different time zone. This listing is for a recorded session via Soundcloud. If you are interested in a real time reading, please go to my scheduling page here:

The Moon + Stone Healing Academy Scheduler

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